Minggu, 17 April 2011

Civet Coffee Distributor

Luwak Coffee Lovers

Burst Manufacturer Distributor Luwak coffee across Indonesia's largest, best quality, 100% genuine Luwak coffee, pure without any mixture of regular coffee. First in Indonesia, Luwak Coffee Luwak Coffee Lovers is the product safe for Indigenous health.

The best coffee to satisfy your needs the panikmat coffee, coffee flavor and aroma typical mongoose are suitable for those of you who want the best coffee drinks real.

Civet coffee is very delicate, it is believed that the enzymes in the stomach Luwak coffee beans affects the acidity and the remaining bit is a bit sweet but never sour.

Online Marketing

Luwak Coffee Processing


Civet coffee processing similar to regular coffee processing only the fermentation process by Weasel / Civet who make different, the fermentation process used is actually the fruit is eaten fresh coffee beans Weasel / Civet mixed with enzymes that are in the digestive tract Weasel / Civet is located inside the abdomen Weasel / Civet during + 2 hours up to +12 hours, it makes the process of fermentation in the digestive tract Weasel / Civet be perfect so as to create an exotic taste of coffee brewed coffee aroma is also very delicious.

Treatment processes that have been developed through several stages namely:

1. From Fruit Red Coffee / Cook stem.
2. Must Coffee Beans Eaten Weasel / Luwak. Fermentation Process In the digestive tract Weasel / Civet during + 2 hours up to + 12 hours.
3. Manure Drying / Brenjel Raw suffocating under the Sun (FULL SUN DRYING) Up to 20% of Water Remaining Up By 25%.
4. Separation From Ari leather Coffee Beans By Mash Manual / traditional With Dimples or using machinery mashed (to be Greenbean / Rice / Sand Coffee Luwak is ready for frying).
5. Sort Rice Dry Luwak Coffee Beans Best Coffee Beans Namely Yang Still Intact And Clean.
6. Back Drying Rice / Beans Coffee Luwak Under The heat of the Sun (FULL SUN DRYING) Water Levels Up Remaining 10% Up By 13%.
7. Washing Up Net.
8. Drying of Water Back Up Remaining 10% Up By 13% Back early.
9. Frying / pengsangraian with manual / traditional firewood is also a traditional frying pan with an iron. Or by in-oven.
10. To color the product composed of black (CITY Roast), blackish brown, and brown. The color depends on the length of the frying pan. In general, coffee lovers in Indonesia and the Asian community is more like the type of coffee that is cooked until black (City Roast). While for some Asian countries like Korea, Japan, Taiwan they like the brown-black. As for the European region is more like the color brown.
11. Pulverization, using a grinding tool that can create true-bnear fine.
12. Furthermore, after the process powder after cooled and packaged in accordance with the measure of consumers booking, Packing Using the sterill to keep the coffee grounds remain fresh for months and even up to a year.


The number of coffee products and coffee producers mongoose mongoose so the level of competition will increase, cheating in trade are often found in the field that will indirectly harm consumers and create original product Luwak coffee will decrease the quality and price. Coffee production is highly dependent of the animal mongoose mongoose, mongoose capacity of food and farming is very limited at all, because there is no specific research in animal behavior is in ferment the coffee, the trend of irresponsible parties make deceptive product by civet coffee mixed with coffee ordinary. With the aim that the quantity increases, Automatic it will impact at all on customer satisfaction. Thus the originality of civet coffee product must exist. Guarantee the authenticity of civet coffee products are in addition to already recognized by dipartemen health and parties related to food quality inspector, can also be seen directly to the address of the manufacturer, and can perform the MOU agreement between both parties.


Selasa, 12 April 2011

Best coffee bean

Best coffee beans should select what kind?
coffee beans
Many people confuse the choice about what kind of coffee should they choose. Maybe you've heard questions like these: "Where better yes, robusta, arabica or the other huh?" I think the answer is "it depends". Depending on this point: which one is better is determined by the user.
Before we discuss further, it's good I have to say about the types of coffee available. Actually there are more than 60 species of coffee. Among these species, only 2 developed a large scale for consumption of coffee connoisseurs. Both types are Arabica and Robusta. Both have typical, distinct taste and aroma.
Each type (both Arabica and Robusta) will have the taste and aroma are quite varied, if coming from different places. For example: the taste and aroma of arabica coffee of Java will be different with arabica coffee lampung or flores.
Here are the hallmark of Arabica coffee in general:
- Having a distinctive sour taste. How sour taste will be quite varied between types of arabica with each other.
- Has a distinctive aroma and delicious.
- It's bitter and mantab
- Levels of 50% less caffeine than Robusta coffee
Here are the hallmark of Robusta coffee in general:
- Having a distinctive sour taste. There are no sour taste at all.
- Having a sweet scent.
- It's mild / gentle
- Levels 2 times more caffeine than Arabica coffee
So, which one should you choose?
To dish that uses milk, cream, coconut milk, or other material that feels delicious (as do the majority of the menu at the Coffee House) should you use Arabica coffee.
For a simple dish of coffee that does not use the material above, for example: just mix the sugar, honey, cinnamon, or similar material, you can adjust to taste. It's up to you, would select Arabica or Robusta. But for a unique taste, you should use the Java product Maxima Perfect Blend. This product contains a secret blend of different types of coffee (not just the common type of coffee that you encounter). The taste and aroma is really suitable for serving black coffee (black coffee) and instant coffee.
To diet / lose weight, you can consume Robusta coffee prior to exercise. High caffeine will help you burn calories better.
To accompany work overtime or to ward off fatigue and drowsiness, you can consume coffee Robusta.

whole coffee beans

 Once roasted, coffee has a short shelf life. In as little as two weeks the coffee loses much of its flavor and may develop a stale taste. Whole Coffee beans store better than ground coffee because the oil in the beans has not yet been exposed to air, which causes the oil and the flavor to evaporate. Purchasing whole beans and grinding them as needed for each brewing ensures that each cup taste its best, but the roasted beans require proper storage so they retain their flavor for as long as possible.



things you'll need:

  • Glass storage jar

    • 1
      Open the package the roasted beans came in. Nearly any type of bag allows moisture and air to leach in to some extent. Pour the beans into a glass storage container with a rubber-ring seal.
    • 2
      Place the lid on the container and check that the rubber ring is lined up between the lid and the jar correctly. Fasten the lid in place.
    • 3
      Place the container in a dark, dry area, such as a pantry. Alternately, store the coffee in the freezer.
    • 4
      Each day, remove only as many coffee beans that you plan to grind and use. Take care not to introduce any moisture to the jar. Secure the lid properly in place before returning the coffee to storage.
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Tips & Warnings

  • Store ground coffee the same way, but be aware it should be used within a week.
  • Substitute an airtight plastic container for the glass jar if necessary, though the beans do not retain their flavor as well when stored in plastic.
  • Most whole bean coffees lose their flavor and aroma within a month. Only buy as much as you can reasonably use within a one- to two-week period.


  • Coffee beans image by Nikolay Okhitin from Fotolia.com 
source : http://www.ehow.com/how_6947470_store-roasted-whole-coffee-beans.html

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