Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Privileges Luwak Coffee

Privileges Luwak Coffee

Until now, Coffee Luwak coffee is recognized as Champion in the world with sales price
super expensive. In the United States for example, to sample the Luwak coffee, you should
spend $ 50 or Rp 400,000, - s / d Rp 500,000, - That's just for a cup of
civet coffee. Crazy! In Hong Kong, a cup of civet coffee could be bought with a price USD
300.000, - s / d Rp 400.000, - In Germany, the price of a cup of civet coffee about Rp 240,000, -
Meanwhile, in Denpasar, Bali, civet coffee price could reach USD
100.000, - While in Medan, civet coffee can be purchased in 4-ounce containers with
price of Rp 1,500,000, -
If you still ask, why civet coffee could become the world's most expensive coffee?
The answer is none other because Luwak coffee has various features, namely:
· Coffee Luwak comes from the best coffee beans from the best. Animal Instincts
mongoose will choose the most ripe coffee beans which are usually colored red.
Certainly, 90 percent of coffee beans produced by the animal mongoose is
who really cooked, not raw. This gives the advantage,
because of regular coffee there is the possibility of mixing between the coffee beans
raw and cooked, which certainly can reduce the quality of coffee.
· Coffee Luwak has undergone a process of natural fermentation in
mongoose animal digestion. The process of natural fermentation in the stomach mongoose
gives the chemical composition changes in coffee beans and can be
improve the quality of the coffee taste, because in addition to being at a temperature of fermentation
optimal, also assisted with the enzymes and bacteria that exist in the digestive
mongoose. Therefore, civet coffee taste different from regular coffee. Coffee Luwak
has a distinctive aroma second to none, taste delicious, and contains
efficacy of adding the energy of Adam.
Mongoose · Coffee contains caffeine which is very low at only about 0.5 to 1
percent. The low levels of caffeine Luwak coffee is caused by the process
fermentation in the digestive system that can reduce the levels of mongoose
caffeine coffee so as to create enjoyment in Luwak coffee and
aroma is very fragrant coffee or in other words become pure.
· Coffee Luwak can increase stamina and prevent diseases diabetus.
Because, Coffee issued by the animal mongoose has undergone a process
natural fermentation and are processed by people with experience and
has created a nutritious coffee.
· Coffee mongoose contain lower protein and higher fat.
Proteins associated with bitter taste in coffee, the less protein, the taste
Coffee became increasingly bitter. While the high fat content
make coffee taste more delicious. This is the same as with other foods,
the higher the fat, the food will be more comfortable.
· Coffee Luwak free from pesticides. Yes, free of pesticides, because pesticides
found in coffee has been cleaned up naturally in the stomach mongoose,
so that the coffee comes out along with feces mongoose has been free from
content of harmful pesticides. Although many farmers who use
pesticides to prevent damage or decay in plants, but
pesticides themselves are often referred to as a poison that can cause
various health problems like cancer, psychiatric and behavioral disorders
(ADHD) in children, disorders of the nervous system and weaken the immune system
body, and so forth.
Because specialty Coffee Luwak as mentioned above, this Indonesian Original Coffee
become super-expensive luxury goods price to the point that beat
gold price. So expensive, in an environment that makes people drink coffee
as traditions such as Japan, Korea and Germany, civet coffee is consumed at the moment
are certain special. (Syaiful Bari).

Luwak Coffee Lovers: Luwak Coffee Is Made

Luwak or Civet

Luwak Coffee Is Made
If you have heard of civet coffee or kopi luwak, you may wonder how kopi luwak coffee is made. The process is one which may not appeal to everyone but in spite of the fact that it is a bit unusual, how kopi luwak coffee is made does result in some amazing coffee.
Civet coffee, the English translation of kopi luwak, depends on civets to process the beans and make them more flavorful and less bitter. Civets are small mammals which live throughout Indonesia and the surrounding areas. They eat a variety of different foods including fruits, insects and small animals. In this, they are very similar to the North American raccoon although they look different.
One of the foods that civets love to eat is coffee berries. They naturally choose the ripest berries to eat and this is one thing that helps make civet coffee some of the finest in the world. In regular coffee, some immature or unripe berries may make their way into the mix and this can cause flavor problems. However, because of how kopi luwak coffee is made the civets naturally choose only the ripest beans to transform into civet coffee.

They do this by eating the coffee berries. After they have been eaten, the berries which will become civet coffee are digested. The enzymes in the civet’s digestive tract are excellent at subtly altering the flavor and chemical make-up of the civet coffee beans. When they are sufficiently digested, the civet coffee beans are excreted in the civet’s droppings. Now you know the interesting secret behind how kopi luwak coffee is made.

Because of the way in which the beans are processed they tend to be much less bitter than regular coffee beans. They do not need to be roasted as heavily which is one traditional method for trying to overcome the bitterness in coffee beans. Unfortunately, although it gets rid of much of the bitterness, a truly dark roast coffee may not have a flavor which appeals to every coffee drinker. Civet coffee is very different.

However, because of how kopi luwak coffee is made it is extremely rare. Many of the beans which are produced are sold locally and are very popular throughout Indonesia and the surrounding area. Often, people resort to standing around known sellers of kopi luwak beans in hopes of being able to purchase some of them. This is in spite of a very steep price tag that can top several hundred dollars US.

As production methods are refined, the supply of civet coffee will increase. The production of civet coffee has been good for the civets which were facing loss of natural habitat. Now, with increased production of the beans the civets have more room to live and more food to eat. They are also being kept in more confined areas so that the farmers do not have to search as hard to find their droppings.

If you are not having much luck buying the coffee in a store you may want to look online. There, you will be able to find excellent prices on the beans without worrying about getting to the head of the line.

Author Resource:- Civet coffee may be hard to find in a conventional coffee shop because of how kopi luwak coffee is made. If you are determined to find an excellent source of this amazing drink, check out EKopiLuwak today.
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Indonesian Original Coffee

Fun Drinking Indonesian Original CoffeeDevita Sari - detikFood
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Photo: dev / Detikfood
Jakarta - Who says a local coffee flavors such as Mocha Java Toraja Kalosi or less with foreign coffee brand? Indonesia sipping a glass of real coffee is actually creating its own pleasure. In addition to an affordable price slurpp ... tenan sueger taste!

Kemang street on weekends is sometimes stressful the motorist. That's what I experienced last weekend, when crossing an area of ​​Kemang, South Jakarta. No wonder the Coffee Toffee ® is located in a building of this tiny attracted my attention.

Toffee Coffee ® in Kemang is still relatively brand new alias about 2 weeks of operation. On the inside there are several places to sit and a counter where ordered coffee. Different from other similar outlets coffee because coffee is offered here Mocha native to Indonesia such as Java and Toraja Kalosi.

Choice of coffee at the Coffee Toffee ® which is a local franchise from Surabaya is quite diverse, ranging from Frappe Blend, iced Coffee, Espresso, and Hot Coffee. For those who do not like coffee not to worry, because it could order a chocolate and tea Indonesian native who served hot or cold. Create a companion beverage is some kind of pancake that can be sampled.

For the signature I offered coffee I need coffee, Irish Creame Caramel Delight or taking Irish wishkey free alcohol. Apparently each offered coffee has three levels, namely: light, medium, and strong. I booked I need Cooffe with the level of medium strength coffee. For a second my friend ordered a glass of Choconutte Almond and Hot Tea.

While my order I formulated a cool look at a board hanging on the wall. 'Know Your Coffee', so sound, where the writing various types of mixtures such as espresso coffee, Cafe latte, Long Black, or Americano. Wow, interesting!

I need Coffee and Almond Choconutte presented in two tall glasses. While tea is served in wide cups with sugar syrup separately. I need Coffee is a coffee extract that is mixed with chocolate brown and granular, so that the color is dark brown. When inhaled ... aroma of coffee is not so strong, while krenyes-brown granules remaining krenyes created its own sensation. Hmm ... sleepy eyes that were once so fresh!

For Almond Choconutte no less fresh with no excessive sweetness. Chocolate that is blanded with almond taste sensation may also feel this wah. While taking his tea black tea, with a dark red color when diseruput slurpp ... directly warm the body.

Surely About the price of coffee lovers need not worry, because all the price of drinks on offer price ranging from USD 6000.00 - Rp 15.000,00. Steady is not it? The Indonesian coffee lover, stop by yuk!

Coffee Toffee ®
Jl. 1 No.71 Kemang, South Jakarta
(Next to Little Bagdhad)
Hours: 12:00 to 22:00 (temporary)

(Dev / Odi)

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